Next updates to the website

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Posts: 49
Joined: Sun Mar 21, 2021 3:24 am

Next updates to the website

Post by Jacob »

Next updates to the website:
1. Update Settings
2. Add Software category with some free software created by me (Jacob Persico)
3. Get the Pyramid code working again (this time for good).
3. I will be mirroring most of the website to a dark web onion domain, however unfortunately this will NOT include the Forum.
5. I would like to get to tweaking the old merge motto JavaScript code.
6. Update the custom scroll bars (currently only works on IE which is now a legacy browser not meant for regular web browsing)

Please check us out for help with computer problems, web design, or the Links page to find resources.
Jacob Persico
Owner & Webmaster
Delta Fox Design