What is my IP address?

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What is my IP address?

Post by Jacob »

I created a new webpage that shows you your public IP address. As the webmaster of deltafoxdesign.com I created this mostly for myself so I can see what IP address I am using when I visit the web site. This is especially useful for me when I troubleshoot access to the website with Tor.

You can visit it at https://www.deltafoxdesign.com/ip

Jacob Persico
Owner & Webmaster
Jacob Persico
Owner & Webmaster
Delta Fox Design
Site Admin
Posts: 49
Joined: Sun Mar 21, 2021 3:24 am

Re: What is my IP address?

Post by Jacob »

Note that that page uses the following PHP code to display your IP address:

Code: Select all

echo "<p>Your IP address is: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."</p>\n";
Jacob Persico
Owner & Webmaster
Delta Fox Design